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But, at least you know you won't die........


Hilarious isn't it.


The rough translation is "The car had an unexpected battery problem, it worked fine every other time"


Which is all well and good, but you only need to have ONE 'unexpected battery problem' in a situation where you actually WANT the system to work, and well shit you've just dry humped another car's arse.


Or maybe, JUST F*CKING MAYBE, you don't rely on the car to think for you, pay attention, and drive the goddamn thing yourself.

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Hilarious isn't it.


The rough translation is "The car had an unexpected battery problem, it worked fine every other time"


Which is all well and good, but you only need to have ONE 'unexpected battery problem' in a situation where you actually WANT the system to work, and well shit you've just dry humped another car's arse.


Or maybe, JUST F*CKING MAYBE, you don't rely on the car to think for you, pay attention, and drive the goddamn thing yourself.


At the risk of soundling like a room full of overpayed pollies.....


.....HERE HERE!!!!!

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