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Tax Return Time "quotes".

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One of those strange oddities of Aussie that amuses me..


The Govt takes too much tax off you, spends a whack of it on paying its parasites to look after it for you, and then gives back what's left to you a year later.


..and everyone thinks its great!


Don't you think it would be better it they never took it off you in the first place??


I think NZ's Tax Dept must cost less than half Aussies' on a per capita basis. Wage and salary earners don't even file a tax return there, uness they have some outside earnings that don't get taxed by an employer. That saves a forest or to in paper!


NZ also got rid of a slate of indirect and hidden taxes, which is why their income tax is not as low as here. I'm getting caned by things like stamp duty (read, house-buying tax) and a stack of similar ones that no-one counts in comparisons.

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One of those strange oddities of Aussie that amuses me..


The Govt takes too much tax off you, spends a whack of it on paying its parasites to look after it for you, and then gives back what's left to you a year later.


..and everyone thinks its great!


Don't you think it would be better it they never took it off you in the first place??


It's a case of immediate versus long-term returns/gains. You tend to notice and appreciate a big lump sum being deposited in your account more than the same amount spread out over 26 individual pays (or whatever your pay period is). Most people who don't save tend to spend their pays almost entirely, so $100 extra a week mightn't really be noticed because it gets wasted on little things like the more expensive coffee or having Maccas every so often - give them $5200 once a year though and their eyes light up at the thought of the big-screen TV that they could buy, or the new car, or that holiday away - tangible things that get remembered, even if the financial situation is technically identical.

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Yeah, the GST was supposed to get rid of all those "hidden" taxes... yeah, right. They are hidden so damn well, no-one knew about them, so of course they weren't going to 'fess up to the nation and reveal the $15 billion in revenue that they could happily continue milking...


wanna know how much a pack of cigarettes would cost without all the exises and hidden taxes??? $2.50... retail... for a pack of 30s... ( I don't smoke, but that's about 12-14 bucks they are pocketing off every single packet of smokes. They'll never come out and ban smoking while it's turning them those sort of profits.)


Either way, tax time is fantastic for all those guys who can't really save, and otherwise wouldn't be able to spend a few hundreds in one go on things like engine builds...


My brother used to not claim his tax free threshold from his employer (little box you DON'T tick when filling in the tax form when starting with a new company) and come tax time, he'd be getting about $13,000 back, because of the wage he was earning, by not claiming that tax free portion, they'd tax him at a MUCH higher rate, and would rightly have to give him more back.


Anyways, back on topic... this year, my tax return is going to be a big fat $0...

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I know stuff all about that ^^^^.......


But thanks to Tax time I can survive another 6 months of uni without having a job.


And maybe thanks to Tax time for maybe new suspension....maybe


Oh another thanks to Tax time for being able to buy shampoo.....

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...that's about 12-14 bucks they are pocketing off every single packet of smokes. They'll never come out and ban smoking while it's turning them those sort of profits.


I wonder how much the health system spends on looking after smokers every year?


Ban smoking, drinking, fatty foods = Cut medical care costs in half = Win?

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I wonder how much the health system spends on looking after smokers every year?


A poofteenth of what they make off the tax they collect from smokers. :yes:


Anybody ever noticed how the price of patches and gum goes up with the regular ciggies price increases!? The government doesn't really want people to quite because then they'd loose one of there biggest sources of revenue.


f@$k tax payings!!! Its smokers and speeders who really keep this country going. :yes:

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well for me my pay has been somewhat irregular over the last year (uni student working when i can) so some weeks i would earn heaps and get taxed heaps, other weeks i would earn not alot, and not get taxed alot either.


i just did my tax last night, expecting about 1200 bucks back, forced saving if you will.


but i don't see how its a problem to "thank tax time" for the lump sum of money.


maybe the system is flawed, but its what we have to live with.


and when i go and buy something with my tax money (some new wheels and tyres are looking good), i have no problem in saying "thanks tax time".


and whats with the "new members trying their best" ???


I'm a relatively old member compared to some (3yrs more than blzbub666) but young compared to others....I'm looking at you teddy, and I'm happy to say:


'yeah can't wait to get some new wheels, thanks tax time!'



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Yeah, the GST was supposed to get rid of all those "hidden" taxes... yeah, right.

Forget the GST. What do you think the Henry tax review was undertaken for! It was done to find means to reduce the number of individual taxes in our taxation system.... What did they do? Add another one to the list.


Either way, tax time is fantastic for all those guys who can't really save, and otherwise wouldn't be able to spend a few hundreds in one go on things like engine builds...


My brother used to not claim his tax free threshold from his employer (little box you DON'T tick when filling in the tax form when starting with a new company) and come tax time, he'd be getting about $13,000 back, because of the wage he was earning, by not claiming that tax free portion, they'd tax him at a MUCH higher rate, and would rightly have to give him more back.


he know's he's worse off right? Not only does our money devalue during the year by the tune of about 4%, but when he could be adding another 6% savings interest rate to that as well.....


Anyways, if you work a solid year without overtime/unpaid leave then you'll get to FYE and unless you claim deductions, you wont get squat anyway.


I love it how people assume that they will always get money back....


HECS shits me though; you get your statement in July and it lags by 12 months!

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I don't even remember starting this topic, think I had a few too many brews. :jamie:




At least it created some chatter.


My tax return was spent on this:




His name is Ragnarok.


The missus spent the rest. Not one cent for Cop Bait. Not even 25 for an oil change.

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If I remember corectly when the GST was first going to be introduced they were talking about putting around 12% GST on ALL products and thus getting rid of the ridiculous 20-30 or more % taxes we were payin,


And in doing so they were going to remove the income tax consindering we pay tax on everything we buy anyway this way if we made $900 a week we took home $900 not $700 or so after the tax had been taken out !


however if we bought a paper,cd food etc we pay a straight out 12% tax on each item but for some reason most poeple didnt realize this was their idea because they only saw the fact that they would now be paying slightly more tax for some items, and forgot the fact that they would be getting all the amount of their pay in their pocket at the end of the week to me this seemed a better idea.


id be happy to pay slightly more tax on an item if it meant I kepted all my earnings and if i didnt buy anything id still have all my money in my pocket

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