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Everything posted by demuire

  1. KE35 is pretty much the same as all other KE3x series (the wagons, sedans etc) as far as *most* of the bits go. Also the same as, if not very similar to, KE5x. There's a place that sells new panels (I can't remember the name, if you do a search you should find it, it's been talked about here before), and IIRC they also do bumper bars, but I think only in the later style with the plastic ends. Flares, also been talked about before, do a search. It's a place down south, and they're prices were pretty good. I think someone on this forum has a set too, but my memory fails me. It was a brown KE5x or something like that...
  2. This was another super successful day, with 16 starters, ranging from tiny cars (Daihatsu Cuore) to big cars (4WD dual cab Hilux) to fast cars (WRX with 200+kW atw). Had heaps of fun, we could hear some of the ladies laughing all the way around the course :D Most (all?) of them improved their times around the circuit by more than 10 seconds, I think some even improved by more than 15 seconds, which is huge on a course that only takes about 70 seconds to go around...
  3. The nice thing about s13 struts is that you have so many more options that bolt on when it comes to upgrades, compared to TA22 or Corona struts or whatever. Also, most Datto calipers seem to be alloy, where a lot of the Toyota ones are heavy cast iron ones...
  4. Also, I've heard that the extension housings are interchangeable, so if you don't want to cut the transmission tunnel and change yoke etc, you may be able to just swap the extension housings across.
  5. Even if you get the wrong box, as long as the bellhousing is correct it's no real big hassle to change it over. You'll need a new yoke for your tailshaft (output spline different), and you'll need to cut your transmission tunnel slightly for the different shifter position, but overall it's not too difficult. One thing to watch out for though, is the height of the mounts. I've used both boxes in my car, and it *appears* to me that they have different height mounts, with the later ones having a slightly shorter mount. Well, I think so anyway, because I'm almost certain originally my engine was level, and now with the later 22 spline box the engine leans over backwards.
  6. Must remember that the adjusters work when you're reversing only :D
  7. Umm. We don't have TE38's here but I'm guessing it'll be more or less the same. I think you'll need an earlier T50 (like out of a Celica), with the forward shifter, and smaller output shaft. Apart from that, everything should bolt on. I think.
  8. i love it when your turbo looks bigger than your engine :harhar:
  9. the camry can nevah lose!!!!!ONEONE!BBQWTF!
  10. re tail lights: I think they usually do have the black. Just that it's painted on, and usually they're all faded and stuff.
  11. Wow. And I thought my friend was amazing for being able to put her ankles behind her head...
  12. /me thinks of Haikal's park at the pizza joint last night :thumbsup:
  13. Jamie: center console thing you can buy from like Repco and stuff. It has little studs on the inside to "grip" the carpet, it's cool :thumbsup:
  14. Ooooh that means I can have MORE neg camber =) Or, I could have more castor! :(
  15. i have lots of friends going. i, unfortunately, will be out learning how to become an organ donor =)
  16. stnick: are the later model arms longer than the earlier model arms? not sure about later balljoints, but earlier ones have same taper as corolla arms, that's the most important bit. And yes, you'll need to grind down the bushes slightly, otherwise they'll be too long. I'm using standard tie rod ends, and have no problems. castor arms also I'm using standard, bolt on. extra front track looks tough =)
  17. uh huh. suuuuure =) hey at least you have a travel buddy, travel buddies are cool.
  18. and 25 people searched for "budgie" and came here... How bizzare.
  19. something tells me that jamie doesn't want us there... who is jamie's "friend"? =)
  20. Yes KCF3 is Jimna. I might be there. Dunno yet.
  21. Sounds like diff to me, but I'm not sure.
  22. lower control arm bush, depends on which control arms you have. early arms (1 piece) have 2 bushes that push in on either side, all you need to do is shave the ends down, easy. I'm using these arms. However, you *could* run into problems with disc clearance, as the ball joint sits in a different position. On my car, using Corona struts and Pug discs, I had to shave the control arm and hub to get more clearance, I have 1mm at the moment. With the later model arms (2 piece) it's got a single bush, I don't know what you need to do to get it to fit. I've heard there is no problems with disc clearance, but I'm not sure.
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