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Found 13 results

  1. Hello All! I am new to the AE82 chassis but not new to Toyota at all. I recently imported an AE82 rally car from Denmark to the US with the intention of gravel rallying it here. However, gravel rally suspensions are almost impossible to find save for a few extremely expensive options. In my research, it seems that it’s possible to bolt up AS92 coil overs to the 82. Can anyone confirm? There are many more options for the 92.
  2. Hi guys, I've recently bought a 1988 corolla with a 4ac and it's acting up quite a bit. When it's completely cold it will start up with no problem, but when it's hot it is very temperamental, sometimes it will start sometimes it won't. It's getting very annoying as it's leaving me stranded a lot and I have to get picked up. Any ideas why this would be happening any information would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
  3. Hey all! Having issues getting my smallport started in my AE82 after conversion. •Using AE92 Smallport ECU / Engine Loom •Ignition side/Body harness connector for ECU wired up by auto electrician I got it home from the auto leccy, my lights now worked and all the rest of the electrical that should be powered from the ignition- INCLUDING the car wanting to crank over now. Yay! They've plumbed the body harness' connector into the engine loom and wired up the starter relay etc different. I asked if what they've done is different to the factory set up and they said no. My close mate thinks they could have mucked up the starter relay?? Starter motor is smoking upon cranking. I took that one out and mounted the starter i know works 100% from my old AE82- SAME THING HAPPENED. Swapped the wiring from starter motor to battery with some healtier wiring from my spare loom, same thing occurred once again. ALL my fuses are fine, everything is all plugged in, earth's are fine. Has anyone else been faced with this issue? The car will be going back to the auto leccy, he think i might need some wiring updated/upgraded, the compression could be too much for the starter or I'm getting too much charge or something.. I'm not very switched on with any electrical that's more than a stereo lol. Any ideas?? Sorry if this is all over the place!
  4. my dads 88 ae82 se 1.6 (4ac engine) now now before i get roasted and get told to get rid of it here's the story i only ever liked old corollas up to the ae86 and then my father got this stock ae82 he kept it well serviced always kept it in great condition the only mod's he did was change the steering wheel and put a free flowing exhaust on (don't know why) i didn't really like it. it was slow and i was used to my v8vf but unfortunately he passed away last year leaving me this car. i immediately changed my tune and started loving it. it was my fathers last car. i (and some will say stupidly) sold my v8 and now drive this everywhere. no one can bag me out for it now because it has sentimental value and ive changed my opinion i love 80's corolla's as well now! haha so um one of my questions is what can i do to slightly mod/improve this car while keeping it as original like my father had it as possible. k thx adrian I'm in australia birsbane
  5. https://youtu.be/JkvLh8_E01I https://youtu.be/khKEjVOCYxY https://youtu.be/JmKut3Y49wQ https://youtu.be/7-rG_R5JMeg https://youtu.be/fqrH-Aezo8o
  6. Iv got a ae82 twincam rolling shell and a ae93 sx can i use the engine mounts and ect to fit in ae82? Also what other parts can i fit to the ae82 from the ae93 i.e. Suspendsion, brakes, bumbers, dash and bonnet
  7. Hello children. So I went out on a little impulse buying and got myself a 7AFE, it has most of the engine bay electrics, but not the ECU/cluster side, I am assuming that I need the cluster, ECU and wiring to get things going. Since its going into a AE82, and that lacks any of this electronics, I believe I have to rewire the cluster with a AE101/112 cluster, so my question is, anyone got a wiring diagram and wire colour codes for a AE101/112? I also assume the speedo is electric controlled (ECU'ed and all that), not cable controlled too? so I cannot just slap on the ol'C52 to the backside of the engine, and run the ol' cable. Anywhozle see how things go
  8. We decided to buy yet another 82, this one being very very tidy for its age. The rundown: 85 model CSX. Auto, air, steer. 237000ks. Engine rebuilt at 18****ks - 10 years ago. Very clean interior. New suspension. New cv shafts. New rear muffler. New starter. New rear wheel cylinders etc. I got it with a blown head gasket and found that the cause is a corroded head that overlapped the firing ring on the cylinder, I have another head here at work so it will be cleaned up and put on. The pistons are .5 (.020) oversize and the bores and exceptional.
  9. Just started doing up my 1988 ae82 corolla. Was completely stock when I got it. Was a gift from parents so hadn't spent a cent on it. Now I've cut the back Springs 100mm. Rode rough as anything. So chucked some tennis balls in the spring now it just rides smooth but bouncy. Going to paint it myself. Did a panel matte black see what it looks like I like it but thinking about doing a dirty white. De badged it. Took the muffler off and it sounded like a dirty thirty. Cutting front Springs tomorrow. Other mods I want to do, a nice set of wheels, thinking about chucking some roof racks and a rear Window spoiler thing like a little lip, some sort of exhaust. When I can figure out how to upload photos I will. Any suggestions for other mods?!
  10. Hey all, I have recently come into possession of an 1984 model ke70 and the starter motor has seemed to have a pretty hard life and has decided to give out. So now I'm chasing a starter motor for it, I have called up all the local wreckers and haven't been able to come across anything except an ae82 with a 4ac. I was wondering if the starter motor off this would fit my 4k or would even the internals swap over into the 4k starter motor? Thanks for any help
  11. Hi all, Just wondering if any one knows what size length and thread bolts are needed for a mounting a to bar on the seca's? I have had my bar off for a number of years and no longer have the bolts, when i removed it I noticed they were different so I may need to get the threads chased, but any info will be great! thanks Jason
  12. Being unable to find scale model cars, toys, replicas etc for my chosen model of Corolla, I've set about making my own. Having purchased a cheap RC car not long ago, I figured I could adapt it to suit. How do you go about replacing a mass-produced, moulded piece of plastic with one of your own shape? Build a 3D replica of what you want to make, take a mould off of it & fibreglass your own is my solution. Preferably using stuff I've had laying around for years & have 'been meaning to use'. So, Step1: Making the plug. Using leftover pieces of high-density foam & liquid nails, I made a block roughly the size/scale I needed. Using a photo editing program, adapted a few photos to suit. Printed, cut out & stuck on with contact adhesive. Hacked into shape using a hand saw. Touched up with a grinder (probably my favourite power tool, ever!). Gave it a rough sand/shape by hand, helps a lot when you've got a full sized one sitting in the driveway for reference. Then a finer grit sand to finish off & a coat of primer. Next up is a final shaping sand (some bits need some love) then bog! :D
  13. I am deadset farken hopeless. I lasted maybe a month before I bought another car to go club racing lol.. Saw this on ebay a few months ago and was keen but the timing was poor, however its popped up again this week so I snapped it up. It does officially break the "only three toy cars" rule at home, but I think its cheapness has let me sneak it in. The basics are its a 1986? (I will have to check that) Ae82 Corolla Twin Cam hatch. Someone clearly loved it and spent a lot of money on it at some point in its life. Has 20 valve conversion, reportedly done by Toyrolla Spares. Its very neat from the brief look I have had over it. Painted Ford Blueprint blue, and its still very neat. Interior needs a good steam clean and a general tidy up, but has real carbon fibre covers put on the top of the dash and a few other bits. Odd! Because race car? Has uprated suspsension of some kind, and nolathane bushes through out. I will explore more of what it has at some point soon. I am told I am not allowed to play with it until I get the Crown sorted, so it will get parked in the corner for the moment, though I know myself well enough to know that the parts hunting game is about to commence...shhhhhh ;) First major works will be to work out why the engine sounds like a man with a hammer at certain revs. Given the dude selling it had his mechanic dodgy up one main bearing, I am tipping its another one wanting to be done. So I will probably whip the engine out for a refresh and do it properly. It will also get my seat and harness, some wheels with semi's for racing purposes, and at some point some MRP coil overs. Couple of photos from the ebay ad. I will put some better ones up when I clean it up and the weather is better. You can see in the pics the front bar is a bit wombled. I might replace that and do the headlights and taillights too, so they are as fresh as most of the rest of the car. Maybe :) Stay tuned. Oh and it needs a name.. the colour is making me think Smurf... but I am open to suggestion.
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