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What Grinds My Gears.

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WGMG - stripping the internal hex on a ball-joint on the rear swaybar link on the AE102 whilst putting the suspension in over the weekend - now have to go hope that the wreckers have one lying around because I don't particularly feel like forking out excessive dollars for a genuine new replacement (who would have thought a 10cm long piece of stamped metal with two small threaded ball-joints could be so expensive)

Edited by Hiro Protagonist
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/just a few minor things:

-people who say my car is shit; first of all they don’t even have cars, secondly i would rather be driving the 1.3L around than using buses. After all the payouts I copp a gob full off the same so called “Mates” saying I'm ‘Dog’ for not driving them places.

-People who think good cars = chicks.

-The fact that every 17yr old male (on the Gold Coast) must have a lowered hilux ute with big chromies

-people who sit at the lights when it is green for what seems like an eternity


-People (mostly 17yr old males) who think they in fact are Vin Diesel from Fast and Furious

-People who diss me for driving an auto.


aaaaaah thats better!

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All the fun of driving a corolla crowie, some people just don't understand... don't even try to persuade them because it makes it better for us!

I agree... I've had a corolla for years and I've had countless amounts of people bag it out cause it's a rollie. You get used to it after a while. No one really bags mine out seriously in front of my face any more - it looks a little too serious :P

I've actually had a few offers to sell it lately for what I would call an exorbitant amount of money (kids these days! more money than sense)


But anyway - what grinds my gears.

There's a person i have about a half an hour overlap with at work, he's just a shitkicker like me, but he thinks he's big and hot stuff. Drives nothing but commodores, he's close with our manager, I've heard a million dodgy stories off other workmates that they've found drugs when he's been there, that he's the reason another guy got sacked (the other guy told the manager that the guy was spoiling auto oil off and then going out and putting it in his car so the manager went back through the camera footage and found video of the guy that dobbed him in keeping an old crusty pie for himself that was only going to be chucked out with the rest as they were too old, then he got fired)

Now I've gotten the shits lately because I can not handle someone trying to boss me around who isn't a manager and he had a go at me the other night about not emptying rubbish (bin was locked, key was missing)

he usually comes in of a night and I was quite sure that if you don't say hello to him he doesn't breathe a word to you...sure enough I didn't say hello to him one night when he walked in... he didn't say anything to me just started going about his job while banging and slamming everything he touched.

tell you the truth he kinda scares me...I'm thinking about finding another job where I don't work by myself/with psychopath closet wife bashers. Or at least asking for shifts where I'm not left alone with him


But again, this is what grinds my gears, he's in with the manager, he can do whatever he likes and not get in shit but as soon as the rest of us manage to piss this guy off by not having the drinks in a dead straight row or the pies not put correctly (i.e. in the most OCD straight lines you've ever seen) we get in so much shit....

Stupid managers who are easily persuaded by younger blokes...

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This is whats grinding the gears for me


Couldn't attend

Couldn't even be bothered to have a minute's silence to honor the fallen and bravery of those that have fought and are fighting for us to be able to live in peace and security.


At least i never voted for her

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The fact that every 17yr old male (on the Gold Coast) must have a lowered hilux ute with big chromies

Crowie, its not just the Gold Coast, they're everywhere!


Anywho, WGMG is when people only just miss colliding with my car as I am coming out of a car park EXIT, as they drive in (yes into a clearly marked EXIT) and then procede to look at me as if I'm an ignorant young male who likes being a jerk and sitting in the middle of the exit, and I'm in the wrong.

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MGMG - dropping off dad at the station at 4:00 am and every brother/dad wanting lifts from everywere... GRR



also people who get STUPID number plates gives me the shitsss like "GUVYSS" (george undelli vy ss) wtf man sersly,



and people who put a HUGEEEEEEEE ford performance sticker that covers your whole rear window, body all banged up and chrome hub caps? WTF

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What Grinds My Gears at the moment is Rust and bog.


Hate the stuff, especially people that make stuff out of it. Like gutters, then the bog laden part proceeds to snap off. GAAAAYYYY


don't EVEN START ABOUT BOG AND RUST, i got a ke30 FULL of rust and not sure if its worth the effort to repair it

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