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What Grinds My Gears.

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Jan 12 2009, 04:39 PM - New Thread made.


Jan 13 2009, 03:52 PM - Revision.


Jan 19 2009, 11:59 PM - Revision.


But hey I'm just being picky so you might aswell delete me as a member.


IMHO, at most, LRS should've received a warning about bumping for this post.

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Why not get over it. Acting pretty gay about it. Why is Trev deleted? because someone got shitty or because he spoke out?



Either way, stop being little women. I mean yeah sure I know people volunteer and i'm sure everyone does thank them for it. I think that maybe more should volunteer to help clean up but think we all need to get over it.


Either way, Trev was a funny guy, I don't really care what most of you say about him. To me, his a good guy.

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That post was correcting his previous post. Tho he could have edited and sent the person that was interested a PM.



7. You are not allowed to "bump" (reply) or revise your item more than 2 times in any week or your item(s) will be removed. Excess "bumping" is unnecessary and very annoying. No bumps are allowed within the first 5 days of posting your item.





That's right, but it becomes difficult when there are several people to answer to all at once, who all want pictures. I was going on holidays for a week on the 13th and had to do what I could for people before I left because members were already asking for pictures.


I admit I bumped it early in the week. I let it go for 6 days after that which I thought was fair. Ended up twice in a week as the rules state, and I published all the photos people wanted with the early bump.


I'll cheerfully accept a warning if need be but that's what happened.


Trev try contacting me before moderating me please. No hard feelings from my end.


Why don't you post the PMs I sent you and we will see how abusive they are?


Its just a bit of interest really. Enjoy the goss.




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That is so stupid. I hate people that do that, and I've assaulted a minimum of 4 people for doing the same thing.


Yeah, they're all brave when they're surrounded by their big metal cage, but when the 6 foot, 92kg angry armored bastard is smashing their window in, they rethink their actions. I've already broken 2 helmets because of people who think that winding up their windows and locking their doors will help them.


I'm normally very polite (I wave to everyone when I finish lane filtering), but when people do this stuff I see red.


We're faster than you, smaller and more vulnerable. When we get rear ended by some wanker who missed the red light, we don't just exchange insurance details, we go to hospital, or a hole in the ground. Filtering removes this risk. Sure, I don't agree with wankers that do 30km/h faster than traffic that are doing 80km/h whilst ripping wing mirrors off (ie lane splitting), but FILTERING through traffic at a red light only makes life easier for people.


Don't try and debate this with me, I've only just had the last pins removed from my body because of someone who decided I didn't deserve the road as much as he did. I was cut off in the wet. Braked hard, headshake, then I'm rolling down the freeway.


BTW, I do NOT condone violence. But if you try and kill me, I will make sure you never do it again.


Amen! This is why I'm not allowed to get a bike again.

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