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Everything posted by chrisandliz

  1. I want a tesla car, hot dam thats fast.
  2. I don't work sundays any more, so if sundays are good for a meet, count me in! I think we should rad dan's house for the first meet :S
  3. Are you asking if you could buy new ones or use the old ones? or are you asking if you should use chrome moly or cast? I did a ring around and the price difference was only $20 or so. Chrome moly are apparently better, hold up to more punishment. Never used them myself. How long did you want this motor to last? What is the grind on your cam? The old saying that I was told was "Three C's of old school, Cams Compression and carbys"
  4. welcome abored, if you are going to do a 4age convert, I can help you out with parts. :kiwi: Chris
  5. if you want kings you can get them off ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/TOYOTA-COROLLA-KING...1QQcmdZViewItem just give the guy the part numbers. Chris
  6. 2t and 3tc are "ohv" not sohc you can get the the t series engines to put out 600bhp. Just ask some one in the US. if you want to go all out on over sized stuff, you can get it out to 2.4 - 2.6. the problems is most of the parts only come from the US. saying all that, get a newer engine. even a 4age will go in easy.
  7. hi, I would like a friday night. we could cruze to dan's house and get some sticker and stuff. :P beach run sounds good. kwinana to scabs ???
  8. as for the TE72, the rear springs are 1" longer than the KE70. The front springs are closer to the ta22 Celica.
  9. the diff I bought was going cost me $100, but I traded other parts for it so i guess it was free ;) p.s. my T18 made 11/1979 does NOT have sway bar mounts.
  10. it was a rolla for sure, just looked werid ;) there was a "TOYOTA" badge too. i was just wondering if any one could tell me "more" info than i can get from the badging. and if i see it again i'll flag them down. from the back/side view i got. "stoping at the lights" it had the early model front.
  11. I was driving to the shops, and I saw this corolla. sorry about the pic "taken with my phone the badges said "1.5 and Sprinter" and jap writing any one know about this model?
  12. well with the D.D.'s you have your breath test of corse and they take you to the station and you ask for the blood test and when they almost take blood freak out and refuse then by the time you get back coz they take you to emergancy i think he said, and have your second blood test its been a few hours and you blood alcohol level is really low to what it was ( as long as you are not so drunk that you can't walk straight that is) with that one it is just giving you time to digest all the alcohol. if the police officer (on bike pref) is by them self always ALWAYS contest it and same with the camera's if you remember that pic and a car was near you on the inner side contest. remember where the camera's were there is a law that the camera is not allowed to be near a speed sign. i can't remember how far it is but we got done by that one. there are a few others that i can't remember i will get chris to post them later.
  13. We know a police officer who (i will add before he became a cop was a very nice person and now isnt as nice lol) tells us all the stuff they get up to. Like if they are speeding and go through a speed camera, red light camera ect.. they just pull up the first person they see. And the phone thing is big in perth atm. They have to book you even if you are on speaker and you are holding the stupid thing. Mind you he has also told us ways to get out of fines and D.D.
  14. sounds like the immobiliser to me. I had this drama when i removed my dash and the earth return was left off. i can post the wiring diagam for the ke70 and t18 if you like.
  15. have you seen an ae71 spirt's fin if you haven't they look nice, "i like"
  16. looks nice and clean. did you get it off a nanna? how many k's on the clock? you could jucie up the 4k abit. go the old three C's cams, carbys and comprestion. Chris
  17. just adding my 2 cents. from my own findings it is the stuffed bearings that make the gearboxs leak and break. the 22 spline models are just newer. the bearing make them leak because the shaft wiggels and the oil seal does not make proper contact. i have both in my shed, and have looked up part numbers for each. the front seal is the same part number. i have found random T50 in ae71 at the wreckers and te72 1981 model that i looked at had a 22 spline, and that was factory fitted.
  18. hi welcome to the rolla club. All the info you need is at your finger tips. do you a budget? where are you? how much work are you willing to put in? 4age would be my bet. chris
  19. i had a ke74, it was given to me. and i sold it for a $100 thinking i made a "good" sale. it was an import and had to many wires :jamie: stupid young me. yep 5k, electric dizzy, 5 speed, power windows and cruze control. $100
  20. dan a "4k" has the same power as an EB. :hmm: if you are going all out on this little beast, you could look at 3sgte covert and then you will really eat the nissans "hold true to your dreams"
  21. welcome, sound like you picked a winner. two questions. what are you going to do to your rollas inside? coz people tend to bag neons. your name "sooty", as in sooty and sweep? chris ps. i'm downloading sooty and sweep now. oh and the dog is sooty
  22. i think someone got some pics out of my head and posted them. thats what i want my 70 to look like. love it
  23. if you get the parts off preston (coz we had everthing we needed), i'll help you build one up $9.95 for paint
  24. unfortunatly not. :jamie: this is going into our mate/neighbours celica as he was a dumb shit and was showing off to his mates and free reved it up to 9grand on a cold engine and did a conrod. on the plus side i do have enough parts to make up a second 3tg
  25. well i have mostly finished my 3tc rebuild, but it has taken a turn. it has become a 3tc\2tg hope it goes hard :jamie:
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