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What Grinds My Gears.

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and people going 70 down the highway in a rusty magna and then accelerating when you try to pass them and they see oncoming traffic.. when your driving a 1.6l truck with f@$k all pickup,

That also pisses me off as well. The wankers also do it on the double lines, sit well under the limit and then speed up to a little over the limit on the broken lines. God help you if you try to pass them....


Insensitive bastards who believe L platers are shit drivers. While taking the bewrick exit off the Monash Freeway, i find a old man in a SUV tailgating me, i gently brake as anticipating a light change, SUV driver thinks he is king ding and doesn't brake, nudging the back of the car. I jump on the go pedal, he jumps on the horn, we both JUST make the corner, i pull over at the next place safe to do so, he follows me, we get out and exchange a few words, then he says something about how little driving experience i have. HE was the bastard in the wrong, i was being safe, thanks to that fat whale ive been really nervy behind the wheel for the past few days.


Learners aren't bad drivers, their usually better than most average road users as they are under supervision and have a higher regard for the road.



Hope you got his details.... And then make him pay for the damage, cause he was at fault.


Very little irritates me more than people who can't or don't want to negotiate round abouts correctly. Its not that difficult really...

And ain't that the truth. Gods gift to Noosa, you can spot a local and tourist a mile away by their use of a round about

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The smell of my brother in laws dad at work. He smells like a nursing home. His food goes into his stomach directly. I can't watch as he does it, it grosses me out. I shouldn't really complain but its his stupidity for smoking all those years. Then at the same time his son continues to smoke away?? Like as a son and seeing what its done to your dad, wouldn't you stop?? After seeing what it has done to my father I know I'll never smoke.

Edited by JiP_01
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WGMG: Getting 5 minutes into washing the car properly for the first time in months, and it starts pissing down. Seemed to come out of nowhere.


Then, after battling it out and finishing the job, 10 minutes later the sun's shining brighter than the glare off Peter Garrett's head.


Murphy's Law...


It's there weather you like it or not.


Law as follows:

1. What can go wrong, will go wrong.

2. If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong

3. If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something

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f@$king ticket scalpers!!!!! ;) Went to get tickets for Slipknot / Machine Head today, no floor tickets left (not that i was surprised). BUT!!, search on ebay and theres shitloads on there at a severely inflated price. Sorry for my language but i f@$king hate these c@#%s and they should be shot! ;) . I'm bleeding now that i didn't have the cash on friday to get them.

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i hate my now old housemate.


only took 2 months to get her out

she got me in the shit with my real estate person cos she had a cat in the house, and smoked inside.


and she took off with my engine crane ;)


and i also hate that i have to wait 48hr to report to the cops that the crane got stolen

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i hate my now old housemate.


only took 2 months to get her out

she got me in the shit with my real estate person cos she had a cat in the house, and smoked inside.


and she took off with my engine crane ;)


and i also hate that i have to wait 48hr to report to the cops that the crane got stolen

What a bitch..

Hope she payed her rent, don't give her bond back till you get your crane back.

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I can relate to that

1 hour drive to work

Plus i had to be there about 40 minutes early before i started so that i could get changed into my work uniform, which they supplied on site and if the uniform taken home the criminal would receive a verbal plus a written warning (one more strike and your out the door) of the fact the uniform is NOT to leave the premises. I've known a few people that had to drive home in their undies due to the change room doors being locked after dark due the fact of warning letters etc.....

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This post goes out to the f@$king wanker who milked my commodore dry while I was in the sydney childerens hospital with my daughter. (600+km away)


I had just filled the f@$kin thing getting ready for a trip to wagga wagga to pick up my ke20 when the coil pack died, needless to say I just left it there and borrowed a ute. We get home and it still ahd plenty of go juice as I managed to get it running on 4cyl.


Bub comes along, and we get shipped off to sydney with some major complications, not really thinking much, I just deadlocked the car, locked up the house, jumped in the rolla and off I went.


We finally get home (6 weeks later), and I am sitting in the carport having a well deserved f@$king drink, when I notice all the screwdriver marks around my fuel lid on the commodore. I pop the fuel door and my cap is sitting loosely done up.


By now I am absolutely f@$king ropable and jump in the pos only to find my battery is flat, so I go down town to the servo on a sunday morning to buy a new battery ($127!!! f@$k me last time I got one they were $60) and I go back home again.


Battery in, I get her running, not only running on 6 cyl but better than ever (I hate this car now) I pull out of the driveway only to realise that some lowlife not only took a jerry can full, but the whole long range 85L tank. I chugged down to wollies and threw in $20 to get me back home again.


So to the wanker that stole my hard earned fuel, I hope you swallowed a gut full of it and die rotting somewhere you wont be found, some of us actually work bloody hard for our shit and obvoisly you have nothing better to do than spend your whole f@$king centerlink payment on bongs and booze. DO NOT let me catch you near my house or my cars again.


Also I hate commodore transmissions, Mine somehow got full of water even though I run a seperate transmission cooler than have it run through the radiator, the pan was full of metal fillings a while backand the oil was black. maybe it is time to sell the pos and be done with it.


I hate sanding as well, I started rubbing back the boot off me ke20 the other day, and each time I got it silky smooth ready for some primer more of the old crap would flake off, 3 hours later I have one panel ready for paint, now we just have the rest of the car to go.


I hate lawnmowers, I do them up as a sideline from work, I spent an hour or so setting up a reco motor on a victa 2 stroke only to find the magneto was shagged. this would be ok if it was like any briggs and stratton motor and mounted on top, but NOooOOoo it has to be under the motor and you have to completely remove it again.


I feel a tad better with all that off my shoulders, this thread rocks.

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By now I am absolutely f@$king ropable and jump in the pos only to find my battery is flat, so I go down town to the servo on a sunday morning to buy a new battery ($127!!! f@$k me last time I got one they were $60) and I go back home again.


What low life wankers, Batteries have almost doubled in price as lead prices have gone up, Your car probably ran better cause the flat battery reset the computer, Hope everything else goes well for you.

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To get items mailed to you to be in shit condition. Or to really look at something, and find out that it has many problems and if it was even worth buying.



What pisses me off most, is that I thought it could be from people I would rather trust, though you learn to trust no one, even if you have something in common.

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No offence to anyone that agrees with that but if you do, I never want to meet you.


Basically its saying that the Australian Defence Force Cadets is making people violent, and that it should be disbanded. C'mon! They even want to remove drill, which by the way is an excellent form of team work and self esteem, the fact that if you do it long enough you will be a lot fitter aswell doesn't matter to them. They just want it to be more involved around technology, don't know how they intend to do that.


*Note I do not represent any idea's on behalf of anyone else except for myself. My opinion is mine only and should be represented as such.*

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Thats f@$ken bullshit. Cadets rocked!! I encourage anyone even remotely thinking about doing one form or another (Army, Navy, Air Force) of cadets to go and do it. I had nothing but fantastic experiences through cadets. And beats the shit out of scouts etc (I've done that too) because the Government funds everything!

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