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Work pisses me off.

Here here :P



I agree with deathsminion to the lane filtering, if the rider wants to do it he/she is more then welcome to go past me. Its also the same on the road - i'd soona the rider in front where i can see him/her easier.



And big wheels with little brakes. Mateeeee, shits me seeing a car wearing 18" mags and still using standard sized brakes

Work pisses me off.


Work pisses most people off but when you look at that nice little figure you get for a year of crap you say bring on next year :D


Well maybe you don't, Stop your complainin, I told you where to get a job :P


do you know what else i fuknig hate, when you loose your wallet.


then you have to go get a new drivers lisence, green card, atm card, fly buys card, go kart lisence and all the other bullshit you keep in there.


end pointless rant cause i lost my wallet lol.


And big wheels with little brakes. Mateeeee, shits me seeing a car wearing 18" mags and still using standard sized brakes


Yes... ;) they think more rubber on the road = much safer.... :P :P

Actually they would be much better off, not wasting thousands on their v6 bommodore, :P

and buying a Rolla with that cash... :P

It'll look better, be more reliable and probably go just as fast... :yes:


People who bump up the price of KE corolla parts and also people who won't share knowledge with younger more inexperienced people. Having said that though younger more inexperienced people who wouldn't know good advice if it bit them in the arse!


We work on ke corollas because they are cheap and parts are plentiful. I usually give my parts away because I remember what it was like when I was 17 and had bugger all money and obsessed with modifying my car. I couldn't afford shit. Why bump up the price of a 30 year old car part just because you can make a quick buck of some poor kid who busted his ass at maccas for $11/hr to be able to pay for a tired out 4k or 5k? **


**exception to rule** - I feel it is ok to bump up the price on wannabe drift0rs. Sorry guys. :P


things that piss me off:

people complaining about things that piss you guys off.

thats all of you..

i mean seriously, don't you have better things to do

than complain about stupid small shit that makes you

angry for the 5 miunutes after it happened, soon

forgetting about it..


its stupid.



haha psyche..

i love venting anger.


as most of this topic is based around

car rage, or something to do with

cars i will follow trend,



i hate people who don't use the freaking slip-lanes,

they come to the corner and wait till there is a gap,

when there is about 200 m of their own lane to merge

into traffic..

plus, when they take off, they drive over the

little bumps, to indicate you not to drive on.


this always happnes, so ive figured out a way to

go through the bumps, around them, then scream

past them..


and people who do shit to your car,

just because it might be a 27 year old,

'shitbox' doesnt mean you can kick it,

run on it, put things in the exhaust, piss

on it, graph it, lay on it, throw stuff at it

and put windscreen wipers up.

yes they all have happned to me.


revenge is sweet though.


Posted (edited)

Just found thread so here goes:


OVER PRICED K MOTOR SHIT........I mean I have been given working T25 turbos clean as ball bearings and more for free then some one comes along with K motor shit. Ok everything is worth something but honestly some prices are more than that part from Toyota nearly and hey I think it is stupid as most guys are out to make a buck I feel.


Stupid liability legal crap. I mean it is everywhere and OVER BOARD. I can't take my jet kart any where.......No one wants to know about it. The one place that said maybe told me I have the wrong chassis. They can only run J or S chassis on the track so if I put my WAY over powered to fast gas turbine engine onto a smaller frame with less strength, 3 less brakes (yes mine is 4 wheel disc brakes :D ) I could race now that is a bit stupid. I have had my kart jump off the ground from a minor wet start from the instant power it develops when it starts to self sustain so if anything I need a bigger frame. I just wish some one would say hey go for it you blow p don't come crying and I tell you now I wont I just need about 500m flat road to wind it up a tad. As I believe public roads aren't safe enough to do my karting on so I wont use them.


And finally kids who think that everything should be spoon fed to them. I work with one we sat an exam the other week on aircraft pressurization. An answer to a question was a "blade seal". He wrote blade sealant cause he read the answer wrong off a guy next to him so cheating as well. After he failed an easy as exam he complained wanted a resit. That is just a minor break down he had. I think if he can't do it try harder don't complain and get it spoon fed. The info is there in the books etc just read it FFS....

Edited by camerondownunder88
Posted (edited)

drivers that sit in the overtaking lane oblivous to the fact they are breaking the law and holding EVERYONE else up.


i wish i had a shitbox of a car. that way i could get a nice exocage and run into the f@$kers.




Edited by Wood§tok

I actually did that once... gave a right lane sitting @ 85kph dosile cow in a sirion a little love tap... felt good. She was one of those irritating she-morons who matches the speed of the car beside/in front of her instead of watching her own speedo.

Perhaps if she'd bothered to check her mirrors or turn down her stereo for 5 seconds (any 5) of the 5 minutes I was sitting up her arse, she would have noticed my flashing lights and beeping horn.


PET HATE as someone who spends at least 7 hours a day driving, a lot of that time on 100kph dual-carriageways.


I hate livin in Clownsville (townsville) every thing is bloody dear to buy and I have to order most parts in for me rolla ( which s**ts me up the wall)i have to wait up to 3 weeks to get parts for me baby only sayin this cause i had to order new exractors for it today so i can't drive it around atm sounds lke a freaking mack truck :D


I hate it how my work, as soon as i turned 18, cut all of my shifts pretty much giving me the boot just cause it would cost them an extra $2 an hour for me to work there.


My main hate at the moment is my school. They provide (at best) 4 classes a day at school and give us detention for being truent for the classes they don't provide. I mean FFS we're in yr 12 with 13 school days left before HSC.


Another one of my hates is people that steal P-plates off cars. Do they not realise that it is 1 point and A hefty fine for every missing P-plate. Its never happened to me but i see it happen all the time.


Great thread.



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