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Hey Rolla crew, Finally finishing up cleaning my Corolla and looking to start modding it. I’ve got a set of front xt130 struts that I want to convert over to adjustable coils for my KE30. Doing some research on the adjustable weld on kits available and I hear AJPS isn’t around anymore. T3 still has their kit. What are people doing nowadays with converting them over? What’s the best bang for buck option? I’ve got access to a welder and down the track I’d be doing the Pug/Hilux brake upgrade and going to 14 inch wheels as well as resetting the rear leaves. If anyone running a ke30 sedan with a similar setup has any advice I’d be all ears : ) cheers
Hey friends, Looking to see what offers are made for my 2Door 1975 KE30 Corolla The car has been sitting in the garage for quite a few years now as I planned to have it restored. Unfortunately, I have not gotten around to it and am now considering selling if I receive a reasonable offer. The photos in this ad are old however the condition of the car is still similar to the photos. There is a couple of rust spots that need attention and a dent to the body that can all be resolved with the know-how. All in all condition of the car is really quite good. The engine was running great and did not have any issues when I was driving it a few years ago but it has sat around for a few years now. The car has always been reliable and great to drive. This was my first car and I have no strong desire to sell, if the right offer came along I would consider selling due to needing the money for other things. I would like to pass this rare Corolla on to someone with the passion to restore it. You do not see 2 door KE30s around anymore and I don't know if there are any more of these left in SA (it might be the only 1975 KE30 left in Aus).
Hello everyone, I'm new here. Recently i just swapped my 3K-H to a 4K-C engine with oversized piston, 5K carbs, 5K starters, 5K distributors. Engine was fully rebuilt by a mechanic whom i paid to do those job. It has been a month ever since i swapped the engine but i still can't drive the car due to the constant jerking when moving. Sometimes the engine died whenever i change gears. Really in need of help since ive been putting so much time and money to get this car fixed!
Hi all, My ke30 which had been running fine until the other day suddenly stopped starting. There's no sound what so ever when you turn the key, battery is fine, timing is fine, carby is getting fuel, fuses are all fine. I've ordered a new starter motor because that's all i can think of or maybe some electrical fault that means the starter isn't getting power? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Further context, It's got a 3T in it running with an old asian carby which has been rebult. Currently sitting at a radiator repair shop as they had to bypass the oringinal copper pipe valve to the heater core, don't imagine anything they were doing would have caused the issue, but who knows.
Hello! New to the forum! We just recently bought a KE30, the P.O swapped it with a 3TC, a 5 speed transmission (not sure if it is a T50 or K50 trans), and an all disc brake. Here is the pic of the car: Upon inspecting the car, I noticed that the front part of the engine (near the rad), is raised up a little bit, I read in some forums that you will be needing the 2TC mounts for it. My question would be is it only the rubber mounts that you need when swapping it with a 3TC? or do you also need the 2TC metal brackets that holds the block? or I can use the 3TC metal brackets but use the 2TC rubber mounts? Here is a pic of the engine bay before we bought it. (Yes, I know, it's dirty): I am concerned with the angle of the engine as it affects the angle of the transmission yoke, prematurely wearing the cross joint bearings, and currently needs replacing, so if fix the cross joint bearings, I also want to address the reason why is it wearing prematurely. Someone said that a 3TC mount is used in our car, the ones found in the KE70s or TE70s Also are these 2T brackets? And will I be needing these to correct the conversion?
Good evening all, I recently bought a KE30 Corolla 2 door for R12000 (around 1000 aud). It isn't in the best shape and I have intentions of restoring it, but, I am having trouble finding parts for it, new or old, over here in Botswana and South Africa. Does anyone know of a place where I can get spares and performance/accesories for it online that will ship to South Africa, Ebay unfortunately doesn't help as most people aren't willing to ship to SA. So any website links or places in Botswana/South Africa, preferably not a sketchy place in one of SAs shanties, would be greatly appreciated. This is my first car and I am only 16, so any advice going forward would be amazing as well. Thank you in advance.
was just wondering about something posted in a thread: "15x7 with offset between 0 to +10 is spot on for KE's". I'm looking to upgrade wheels on my ke30, currently have some Tarago steel wheels 14x5.5 +30 (measured offset myself so hopefully its accurate) on stock standard (AFAIK) suspension, and the outer edge of the front rims is about 20mm in from the guard (rears have plenty of space). According to this link, 14x7 +0 will stick out and extra 2 inches, which makes it seem that they will not fit well. Do you need to flair/roll the guards to fit this size rim, or have i missed something in my calculations? I have also measured the stock ke30 wheel offset/size at 13x4 +40 meaning that 14x7 +0 would stick out an extra 78.1mm - does this sound right? any insight is much appreciated.
Hi, wondering if anyone could tell me the length of ke20 and ke30 LCA lengths? (Centre of ball joint to centre of bushing) also want to know if a ke20 ball joint will fit into ke30 LCA? And if ke20 caster arms and sway bar link bolt in to the ke30 lower arms? basically wanna use the aftermarket T3 ke30 LCA’s in my ke20 cheers.
Hi all I'm brand new around here buying my first rolla this week I'm very amateur when it comes to mecahnical work but hoping to learn more I have found a stock ke30 unmolested besides a 4k engine swap for a very decent price is there anything i should look out for when buying and also if anybody could point me in the direction of a mechanic or engine place in brisbane that will do some work on it or is used to working on them i am trying to do as much research as i can and am very willing to learn.
Hi all, i am up to the point were i want to start wiring my Sr20 engine harness to my ke55 body loom, for those of you who have done it or know whats required able to fill me in with what wires i need to connect to get the motor running, also have an external fuel pump which needs to be connected too, thanks and hope to here from someone soon
Anyone know the thread size for the temp sensor on a ke30 1.6? I have no manual and I'm a bit confused about identifying it. With that beeing said if you have a manual id like to purchase. Thanks as always
Waiting on parts so i restored grill, emblem, removed dents and blemishes from chrome trim. Didn't work out all the dents yet but when I do I'll file the surface smooth, carefull not to go threw just knock down the highs and sand and buff till new. Believe me it was Easter to fix them find. With trim just be easy small taps re establish the lines and the rest will follow.
Hi Rolla enthusiasts, I have a Ke30 rolla and would like to do an engine swap for a daily driver. Whats the best one for low budget and what mods can be done to it? Thanks in advance.
Hey guys, so I'm currently driving my ke30 up to Dubbo for mysterybox rally. Had a bit of trouble yesterday with overheating. Managed to encourage her through a 500km trip, 35 degree heat. Most of the time she ran fine, but she over heated twice. It seems there is excessive purging out the overflow bottle, then coolant gets too low and it overheats. Has a new water pump and new thermostat, plus good coolant. I'm hoping maybe it's just the radiator cap is a bit faulty? Don't want to think about a head.. cheers for some advice!!
Hey guys, Working on my 79' Corolla. Previous owner has replaced the 4K-C engine with a 3K engine. Everything is connected correctly and have checked everything 100 times. Now, everytime i start her up, she runs well but as soon i put her in drive it stalls. Been trying to adjust the idle screw, but don't get much of a response from the motor. Has anyone got an idea of how the vacuum setup differs between the 4K-C engine and the 3K engine. If so can you suggest a diagram to follow to make sure it is all connected in the right spot. Or could this just be a completely different issue all together? And has anyone got a clue how to decode the engine number, so i can figure out a manufacturing year? Cheers fellas.
So long of the short, what coolant for 78 KE30? New to this, but want to try to get it right. Any help much appreciated !
Hi Guys, new to this forum. Thanks for having me. I'm moving from Qld to Syd and will bring across my KE30. Currently on full Qld rego. The car is modified with a 5K motor, K50 gearbox and diff to suit. Everything else standard. It has been engineered in Qld to be registered. However, I will need to do this again in NSW. I would like to register the car under modified historic registration with the club once in NSW. Can anyone tell me what I will need to do to have the car ready for historic rego and estimate of cost involved? Thanks in advance.
Hello. Once again I come to this forum to seek your wisdom! I've tried asking around but no one have any idea what the heck is going on. My car did not pass the inspections. The HC value was off the scale it read a value over 2000 when the limit is 400. As I understand HC is hydrocarbons and this means the car is running a little rich which I can already tell by the backfiring sometimes. I've taken the carburetor apart and replaced all the gaskets and given it a thorough clean. I could already feel it running better than before. I think it was leaking a little bit. I also ordered some ignition parts like: A new coil, distributor cap and rotor and new breaker points. They did not have any condensers so I have to source that elsewhere. Unluckily the distributor cap and rotor did not fit. I changed the breaker points on my corolla and set it up to the factory spec. A gap of 0.4 - 0.5 mm when it is at the top. Then I checked it with a dwell angle and got it pretty on point. I also checked the timing with a timing light. But after I changed the breaker points I noticed it was running very rough. It was coughing and spitting fuel out the exhaust. It's like the timing was way off. Then I noticed on my tacho that it was jumping all over the place. I have no idea why it does this. Is the high voltage jumping and shorting somewhere since it's always triggering the tacho? I've uploaded a video to youtube to demonstrate what happends.
Hi Guys, I'm moving from Qld to Syd and will bring across my KE30. Currently on full Qld rego. The car is modified with a 5K motor, K50 gearbox and diff to suit. Everything else standard. It has been engineered in Qld to be registered. However, I will need to do this again in NSW. I would like to register the car under modified historic registration with the club once in NSW. Can anyone tell me what I will need to do to have the car ready for historic rego and estimate of cost involved? Thanks in advance.
Hey all. Been going to Sydney motorsport park quite a bit lately as my young son loves racecars. Last few weekends there has been a bloke out there with a white ke30 fastback with a rotary in it. Last time out he was having gearbox issues however. Last weekend there was also a blue ke30 with a rotary absolultely dominating all the other cars at the track. Had NSW plates that read along the line of BRRRP or similar. Very tidy and straight car! Heres a vid I made of it if anybody wishes to have a look. Anybody else frequent eastern creek with their rolla as these are the only two I have seen out there in some time. Seems all the others are kept away in their garages never to be driven at the track. For the number of them produced and the imcreasing rarity of rx3, etc I have expected to see many more old rollas making the track rounds. But to this day nothing. There still appears to be heaps of guys on here putting alot of time and effort into engines swaps and performance builds, but they seem to end up being trailor sailors and show queens instead of track monsters :-( Hope to see more lads with flash corollas at the track soon Regards mac
Hey all. I need advice on what door mirrors will fit a ke30. I am chasing chrome DOOR mirrors but am having trouble finding anything that fits due to the shape of the door. I was looking for stock mirrors but cannot find a passenger side mirror for a decent price. The main problem being most "eBay" style classic mirrors have very short stalks and if fitted to the passenger side, they sit to low so the mirror can't be aeen from the drivers seat. Pics of suggestions will be helpful. Cheers folks. Macca
Hey guys, I'm doing a rotary swap in my ke30 and I'm going to run e85, I was just wondering if I can use the standard tank in the car or if I should get a fuel cell?
hey guys, just curious how much work is involved in swapping my 1981 ke55 rectangle headlights for quad headlights like in the ke70 corollas. i know i need lights brackets and the grille. but wondering if it will all fit. thanks in advance
I'm removing the diff off my old rolla. Anyone have the torque specifications for the diff, driveshaft, brakes and leafsprings?